Activities and Classes

Art class at Makeshift

Find activities and classes for parents, babies and toddlers/preschoolers. Also see All the Free Things, a list of no-cost activities for all age groups. A list for elementary age is coming soon. Comments? Email

Activities/Classes for Parents and Parents-to-Be

For parents and parents-to-be, find classes in the following categories: baby and family care, baby prep, infant/child CPR, infant massage, fitness, moms’ support groups, museums and tours, prenatal yoga, preschool prep and sign language. Many of these activities are aimed at moms, but some are for dads and other caregivers too. See list.

Activities/Classes for Babies

Here it is: Capitol Hill activities for babies, in one place! This list is organized alphabetically by interest, from free play to yoga. It is focused on activities held in the Hill neighborhood. It includes both classes that require registration as well as drop-in activities. CHK is defining “babies” as under 1 year old. See list.

Activities/Classes for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Here it is: Capitol Hill activities for toddlers and preschoolers, in one place! This list is organized alphabetically by interest, from art to yoga. It is focused on activities held in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. It includes both classes that require registration as well as drop-in activities. CHK is defining “toddlers and preschoolers” as 1 to 4 years old. See list.

Activities/Classes for Elementary Age

Coming soon! Email me with any ideas:

All the Free Things

There’s fun to be had for free on Capitol Hill, including art; museums and tours; music and movement; and story times. This page lists weekly or regularly scheduled no-cost activities for kids. See list.